Today, May 17, is the international Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. I'm proud to take part in the Hop today to try and bring a little awareness to this awesome campaign.
You can visit the Official site of the movement here: and the Hop site here: I wanted to touch briefly on the subject of gay marriage. As most of you know I'm an Aussie. I'm proud to be Australian, I love my country and the people in it. I also believe that every person deserves the right to marry the one they love. It shouldn't matter what form the couples come in M/F, M/M, F/F, or what gender the individuals started their life as. Love is Love. Currently here in Australia it is illegal for anyone but a man and a woman to marry. The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in October 2013 passed legislation in their parliament allowing gays to marry in the ACT. The was a historic moment for out country. The first marriages were performed on December 7th. However, on December 12 the federal parliament butted in. With the help of our illustrious leader they took the matter to the high court and a unanimous vote found that the ACT's Same sex marriage act was inconsistent with the federal marriage act. It is believed that if change is to happen it can't take place on a state level, instead it's one that will have to be decided in federal parliament. What I want to know is why isn't our federal ministers listening to their voters. In a Galaxy research poll conducted between 2009-2012 the following was found: 64% of Australians support marriage equality. 76% of Coalition voters want our PM (Abbott) to allow a conscience vote on the subject. 81% of young Australians between 18-24 support marriage equality. Hopefully with these figures and more, showing the resounding support of the Australian public for marriage equality for all, the government will pull their heads out of their asses and finally step into the twenty first century. You can find out more about Marriage Equality in Australia here: Today I'm giving away a signed paperback of one of my books and an e-book copy of any of my backlist. As well as these prizes you'll also have the chance to with a Catherine Dair Skip & Pip T-Shirt, Freddy MacKay signed paperback and e-book, Angel Martinez T-Shirt and e-book, $15 Amazon gift card from MCB and 2 paperback MCB Anthologies. Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win.
Below is a list of all the amazing people (Authors, publishers, artists, bloggers, reviewers) who are taking place in the Hop. Be sure to stop by their blogs and check out their posts.
Demetra Roussakis
17/5/2015 01:55:18 am
Hi Toni - we are lucky here in Canada with same sex marriage. Every time I hear about countries that still do not allow it pisses me off. We are not living in the 1950's people. Get a grip.
17/5/2015 03:24:20 am
I am working on pre-reqs and applying to the Rutgers MSW program with the long term goal of working with LGBT teens.
17/5/2015 07:32:45 am
Thank you for your post and participating in this blog hop.
Roger E. II
17/5/2015 08:17:07 am
I have never found a man but am glad some have and support the right to marry whatever love you find.
Paul justus wont dick
18/12/2015 12:18:32 am
18/5/2015 02:00:17 pm
So interesting to hear the Australian perspective!
Shirley Ann Speakman
19/5/2015 12:36:35 am
I'm surprised Australia doesn't have marriage equality we do here in the UK hopefully soon it will happen there to.
20/5/2015 11:04:48 am
Thank you for the informative post. I admit I don't know much about the struggle going on in Australia for same sex marriage but I hope that soon such struggles will be one of the past.
23/5/2015 01:12:04 pm
being supportive
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Toni GriffinToni Griffin lives in Darwin, the smallest of Australia's capital cities. Born Archives
November 2022